Privacy Policy

General provisions

This Privacy Policy hereinafter referred to as the ("Policy") governs the collection, processing and use of personal information of users of the service Tabc (hereinafter referred to as the "Service"). By using the Service, the Customer (hereinafter referred to as the "Customer") utomatically agrees to the terms of this Policy.

This Policy can be modified at any time at the Administration of the Service. The Customer must independently monitor the changes of the Policy on the Tabc website at (hereinafter referred to as the "Website").The revised version of the Policy shall take effect immediately after it is published on the Website.

Receiving and using information about Customers

The following anonymized statistical data is collected on Users for administrative purposes when running the Service:

  • information about the browser and operating system;
  • IP address
  • URL address
  • other statistical data related to the use of the Website.

Delete or amend Personal Information

For modification of their provided Personal Information Customers should contact Customer Support team.

The Service shall store the Customer's Personal information until the Customer's account is deleted. In order to delete the account, the Customer should contact the Customer Support team.

The Service may store Customer data for the fulfilment of legal obligations and dispute resolution.

Disclosure of personal information

The Customer's personal information may be disclosed to third parties, as required by law, only by court order, at the request of law enforcement or other government agencies.


The Service uses cookies to improve the services it provides. Customers may disable cookies in browser settings, yet This will cause the Service to function incorrectly.

Links to third-party resources

The Service may contain links to third-party websites. The Service will not be held responsible for the use of such links. The Customer should review the Privacy Policy of third-party websites independently.

Protection of Personal Information

The Service uses standard encryption and storage technology and makes every effort to protect Customers' Personal Data. However, none of the means of transferring and storing data over the Internet can guarantee complete data security.


In the event of any issues related to this Policy, please contact the Customer Support Team of the Service.